Go beyond the onset of failure
in geotechnical designs
Monash Computational Geomechanics Lab
What is GeoXPM
GeoXPM is a cutting-edge continuum particle-based computing software that was originally developed by Prof Ha Bui based on the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) method. Currently an ARC Future Fellow and Director of the MCG-Lab at Monash University, Prof Bui and his research team created the first fully functional particle-based computing software with the ability to simulate complex geoengineering, geomechanics & geophysics applications, including those involving large deformation and failures of geomaterials. GeoXPM is the culmination of groundbreaking research and development by Prof Bui and his research team, representing an innovative solution for geotechnical design optimisation and preparedness in response to natural disasters caused by climate change.

Debris Flow

Retrogressive Failure

Snow Avalanche
Who We Are
Our team is based at the Monash Computational Geomechanics (MCG) Lab. We collaborate with experts across different countries to pioneer computing solutions that address catastrophic disasters arising from global climate change. In pursuit of this goal, we have developed GeoXPM, a revolutionary particle-based computing software that can simulate complex geotechnical and geo-environmental problems involving extremely large deformation and soil-structure interactions. Our team is dedicated to advancing the field of geomechanics and contributing to global efforts to combat the effects of climate change.